Five Element Acupuncture
Within every individual there is a unique capability to maintain health and cure a disease process. Minor insults on any level can manage to overcome our natural defenses and immunity thus creating dis-ease and dis-harmony that affects us on a physical level, resulting in illness.
This insult can be as direct as a trauma in an accident or as subtle as persistent minor stress that eventually manifests itself as a chronic disease entity. Frequently, an “incident” will cause the accumulated stress to manifest itself. Thus, minor insults added over time may reveal themselves as major accumulated illnesses.
Despite marked improvement in nutrition and public health we are seeing a rise in diseases that have no explainable etiology. Cancers, pain syndromes, auto-immune, rheumatologic and chronic bowel disease to name a few are on the rise with no explainable cause in the western model of health and well being. For some unknown reason the body’s energy system goes awry and causes it to attack itself or lose control of itself. Often the first warning signs of impending problems are malfunctions of basic body needs and functions such as eating, sleep and elimination. Attempts to deconstruct the etiology of these diseases point to inflammatory processes or cellular aberrations. Frequently, this deconstruction to micro causes or single entities fails to take into account or recognize the complex feedback mechanisms and controlling reactions that occur in even simple body functions.
Traditional medicine has made great advances into the treatment, discovery and cure of major diseases and disease processes. At other times western treatment is confined to a masking of symptoms while the underlying disease continues to smolder and progress. No disease can be considered to be related to a single etiology and no patient can be expected to truly heal without an all encompassing approach to summon the body’s intrinsic ability to heal. No two people have the same ability to heal just as no two people will react to an insult in a similar fashion. The road to health is a personal journey for each individual. Individuals must be treated with a regimen meeting their unique needs on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
Utilizing Classical Five Element Acupuncture the practitioner customizes the treatment to stimulate the patient to muster her/his intrinsic healing ability and drive disease from the body. The patient encounter is a cooperative effort in which the Five Element practitioner helps the patient re-direct their energy toward the path of recovery. The practitioner’s duty is to help the patient discover the path to wellness. It is the patient who manifests the body’s unique healing and curing process.
George J. Rodriguez MD
Within every individual there is a unique capability to maintain health and cure a disease process. Minor insults on any level can manage to overcome our natural defenses and immunity thus creating dis-ease and dis-harmony that affects us on a physical level, resulting in illness.
This insult can be as direct as a trauma in an accident or as subtle as persistent minor stress that eventually manifests itself as a chronic disease entity. Frequently, an “incident” will cause the accumulated stress to manifest itself. Thus, minor insults added over time may reveal themselves as major accumulated illnesses.
Despite marked improvement in nutrition and public health we are seeing a rise in diseases that have no explainable etiology. Cancers, pain syndromes, auto-immune, rheumatologic and chronic bowel disease to name a few are on the rise with no explainable cause in the western model of health and well being. For some unknown reason the body’s energy system goes awry and causes it to attack itself or lose control of itself. Often the first warning signs of impending problems are malfunctions of basic body needs and functions such as eating, sleep and elimination. Attempts to deconstruct the etiology of these diseases point to inflammatory processes or cellular aberrations. Frequently, this deconstruction to micro causes or single entities fails to take into account or recognize the complex feedback mechanisms and controlling reactions that occur in even simple body functions.
Traditional medicine has made great advances into the treatment, discovery and cure of major diseases and disease processes. At other times western treatment is confined to a masking of symptoms while the underlying disease continues to smolder and progress. No disease can be considered to be related to a single etiology and no patient can be expected to truly heal without an all encompassing approach to summon the body’s intrinsic ability to heal. No two people have the same ability to heal just as no two people will react to an insult in a similar fashion. The road to health is a personal journey for each individual. Individuals must be treated with a regimen meeting their unique needs on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
Utilizing Classical Five Element Acupuncture the practitioner customizes the treatment to stimulate the patient to muster her/his intrinsic healing ability and drive disease from the body. The patient encounter is a cooperative effort in which the Five Element practitioner helps the patient re-direct their energy toward the path of recovery. The practitioner’s duty is to help the patient discover the path to wellness. It is the patient who manifests the body’s unique healing and curing process.
George J. Rodriguez MD